
The Real Meaning Behind the Season

It’s that time again — the most wonderful time of the year! Signs of the season are everywhere you look — festive wreaths on doors, colorful lights on houses and holiday cards in mailboxes. And of course, mixed in with your growing stack of envelopes and emails are often heartfelt requests from worthy nonprofit organizations hoping to receive your support.

Before you choose to recycle or delete those charitable asks, consider the impact we could have in our community if we all said “yes” to even just one of those requests! If you’ve ever wondered if it would really make a difference, the answer is definitely! Your involvement and generosity has a ripple effect that directly changes lives for the better. At Cornerstones of Care, we see it every day.

Behind each letter or email we send, we see the faces of children and families who need us — especially during the holidays and winter months — and we see the impact you have on them. We see the child who is able to open a present on Christmas morning and feel loved, all because you took the extra time to shop for one more gift. We see the young adult who is able to enjoy a hot holiday meal, all because you decided to donate the resources or food to make this possible. We see the family who is able to stay together this winter, all because you made a financial contribution this year to ensure they have access to the right therapeutic interventions at the right time.

So please consider choosing one way to give back to others in the midst of the holiday hustle and bustle. Look beyond the decorations and holiday cards to see the faces of those who are still waiting to experience the magic of season. There are many worthy nonprofit agencies in our area, so regardless of which organization you choose to support, please know how much it’s appreciated!

If you are still looking for ways to make a difference, here are just a few ways you can help:

Before the Season of Giving flies past us quicker than magical reindeer, be sure to look around for meaningful opportunities to stay on Santa’s “Nice List” and experience the kind of joy that only comes from sharing it with others. Children and families right here in our communities can be safer, healthier, and happier — all because of you.

Happy holidays to you and your loved ones!