On-Campus Safety and Treatment for 6-20 Year Olds of All Gender Identities

The children, youth and young adults on the Cornerstones of Care – Ozanam campus receive trauma-responsive support to improve safety, behavior and independence. Everyone served on our campus comes to us with many strengths and talents – but also with histories of abuse, neglect, domestic and community violence and/or psychiatric hospitalizations. These experiences can cause attachment difficulties, cognitive impairments, and emotional and behavioral challenges that can lead to unsafe behavior in families, schools and communities. Each program provides the structure and support needed to improve safety and begin healing.

Treatment Programs

Emergency Shelter: Short-term resource (30-day maximum) for children 6-18 of all gender identities requiring an immediate, temporary living arrangement. Safety and supervision are ensured through an organized program of age appropriate activities, services, and supports. We do our best to keep youth in their current school, if feasible. Now accepting referrals (by case managers only).

24/7 Residential Treatment: Trauma-responsive 24/7 emotional and behavioral support care for youth 6-18 of all gender identities to heal from past trauma in a structured environment. Parents and caregivers of children living in Jackson County, Missouri may refer their child and receive funding support by the Jackson County Mental Health levy. Now accepting parent/caregiver and case manager referrals.

Transitional Living Preparation: Housing and support for transient young adults 16-20 of all gender identities withwho have a goal of independent living, but need a higher level of support and supervision due to challenges in daily life related to reasoning, learning, and problem solving. The program will focus on preparing young adults for the next phase of their life as they progress towards community-based living. Now accepting referrals (by case managers only).

COURAGE (Sexually Reactive Program): Designed for 12-18-year-old youth with male gender identity who have demonstrated issues related to sexually reactive behaviors. Parents and caregivers of children living in Jackson County, Missouri may refer their child and receive funding support by the Jackson County Mental Health levy. Now accepting parent/caregiver and case manager referrals.

O-ACES (Autism Spectrum Program): Helps 12-18-year-old male identifying youth on the higher end of the autism spectrum stabilize extreme behaviors and learn life skills. Parents and caregivers of children living in Jackson County, Missouri may refer their child and receive funding support by the Jackson County Mental Health levy. Now accepting parent/caregiver and case manager referrals.

Specialized Services:

Psychiatric Care: Each youth is evaluated for their own needs. Each client’s progress is re-examined at least monthly to review diagnosis, medications, and prognosis.

Build Trybe: A vocational mentorship program that builds employable skills in the fields of culinary, construction and horticulture.

Individual Therapy: All youth receive trauma-informed therapy by licensed therapists to process loss and prepare for the future

Family Therapy: Forum for connecting youth in care with family members through the use of technology to address conflict and prepare for safety after treatment.

Group Therapy: Forum for confronting destructive behavior, for learning healthy responses to difficult interpersonal situations, and for receiving support for successful initiatives.

Recreational Therapy: Provides therapeutic activities for youth, opening up new pathways of social learning and emotional expression.

Expressive Therapy – Music: Provides structured musical activities to increase positive social interaction, trust, self-esteem, communication, creative expression, and problem solving skills.

Expressive Therapy– Horticulture: Youth involved with the greenhouse and gardening develop skills that enable them to be successful in everyday life such as nurturing, responsibility, compromise, problem solving, etc.

Expressive Therapy – Art: A visual, verbal, and expressive form of therapy utilizing various art materials in a supportive way. Art therapy provides a platform to explore personal problems, identify potential, and communicate emotions. Other goals include structuring use of time, respecting other’s artwork and personal space, and practicing healthy social skills.

Substance Use Treatment: Facilitated with all youth with a prevention focus. Available to those youth who currently have or present a history of chemical use. It is focused on maintenance of a clean and sober lifestyle and modification of maladaptive coping skills to prevent future relapse.

Spiritual Assistance: Supports the individual spiritual needs of all youth and families and provide reasonable accommodations. Examples include, but are not limited to: church services, volunteer organizations for spiritual enrichment, and daily time that can be used for religious practices.

Personalized Education Support: Education is provided through the Grandview Public School system and we work closely with them to ensure the youth is placed in the appropriate school, based on the youth’s educational needs.

Volunteer Participation: Cornerstones of Care is fortunate to have volunteers who support the youth we serve. Some volunteers are assigned to a specific unit or dorm, while others participate in activities such as celebrations and holiday events.

Aftercare: In-home family support for 6 months following residential treatment stays aimed at being a transition support while the youth and family is connected to a sustaining community based provider. Families receive weekly individual therapy, family, therapy, and case management services. Additionally, the family will have 24/7 access to our teams should any questions or crises arise. Lastly, on-campus respite care services are available.