

Please note:

  • Field names cannot be customized. They are already in place on the printer's template.
  • Some titles may have to be abbreviated to fit on one line.
  • "Direct Phone #" is the most direct way to reach you — an office's front desk, your desk phone, or cell number. 
  • "Email" must be a Cornerstones of Care email address.
  • "Office" is actual organizational business offices, not home addresses.

Business Card Process:

  • Data is pulled at noon on/around the 15th of each month. A proof will be sent you and your supervior.
  • Either you or your supervisor  must approve the proof by the deadline.
    • All requests in each month's batch must be approved/denied at the same time for the order to be processed.
    • If your approval is not received by the deadline, your card will be denied so the other requests are not held up and can continue to be processed.
      • If that happens, it is your responsibility to resubmit your request for the next month's order.
  • Cards are delivered to KC metro offices and shipped to non-KC metro offices.
  • If you have other questions, please contact Michelle Franken at michelle.franken@cornerstonesofcare.org.
