


Intensive In-Home Services (IIS)

Intensive In-Home Services (IIS) is a short-term crisis intervention program for Missouri families whose children are at immediate risk (within 72 hours) of being removed from the home due to substance use, abuse, neglect, or other crises. This program is specifically designed to support families in enhancing their functioning, acquiring the necessary skills to meet their children’s needs, and connecting the family with community resources. 


Family Focus

A free, no-cost, program combining a complete array of short-term, residential treatment services with in-home support to empower families to work through their most pressing issues and obtain the skills they need to rebuild relationships and remain safely together as a family unit.




Family Preservation Services 

Family Preservation Services is an intensive, short-term crisis intervention program for Kansas families at imminent risk of being separated. The goals of this program are to help families manage stress, foster the development of positive interactions, improve communication and life skills, and determine appropriate discipline strategies. Features of this program also include Functional Family Therapy and Addiction Counseling services.



Therapeutic Family Foster Home (TFFH) Capacity Building Program

The Therapeutic Family Foster Home (TFFH) Capacity Building program is designed to provide support to families engaged in Family Preservation Services in Northeast Kansas. The program specifically targets families with children aged 11 to 18 who are at risk of entering foster care due to behavioral issues. The primary goal is to eliminate barriers to respite families, ensuring a safe place for children to stay on a temporary basis.Types of support include access to a virtual resource library, a daily reimbursement rate, incentive payments, access to functional family therapy, and an in-home support specialist.



Parent Youth Facilitation 

Parent/Youth Facilitation is a two-pronged, grant-funded approach that seeks to prevent older youth from entering the foster care system by engaging families in a meaningful problem-solving process and connecting them to community services and supports.